"The Underground Gambit!" by Wein and Trimpe

Hey, hey, hey, Groove-ophiles! Sometimes you select up a comic expecting one issue, and at times stated comic can surprise you! Consider for instance Creatures on the Free #11 (February 1971). According to the klassic Jack Kirby kover, Youthful Groove was in for a heaping aiding of "Moomba", a basic Stan super food cats enhance essential Lee/Kirby creature attribute. Right after devouring that mini-epic, I envisioned a lot more Atlas-period secret reprints, but alternatively was pleasantly delighted to discover a manufacturer new (then, baby, then!) limited-shocker by Len Wein and Herb Trimpe named "The Underground Gambit!" No Atlas-era monsters right here, just a square masquerading as an underground cartoonist and...nicely, just go through it!

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